Our Story

Why Us?

We have been operating in party and art & crafts field since 2013 , and founded our factory since 2016. We know the market demands, realized the importance of product’s quality, understand the customer purchasing habits. We are also growing up in failure, summing up failure into experience and applying it to product improvement so that we can provide the best quality products to our customers.

We are the 1990’s, we hope the world can accept our ideas.

Why Start?

After experiencing this special period of virus turmoil around the world, we can see that the epidemics in various countries have been controlled and improved. This is a thing worth celebrate by all mankind. We want to create a new brand to create a different party with a new idea.

Why HI?

Whether a friend or a stranger meet, the first word spoken is ‘Hi’. ‘Hi’ can not only resolve embarrassment but also is the beginning of a relationship, We hope use ‘Hi’ to redefine the relationship between party and people.